
MünchenerHyp to add E to ESG as green loans bear fruit

Four years after launching the first ever sustainable covered bond, MünchenerHyp is preparing to launch a benchmark Ecological ESG Pfandbrief, with a green retail loan it launched in 2015 enabling it to be the first German issuer to include residential mortgages in its use of proceeds.


Rabobank pushes ESG status as touchstone in CP/CD first

Rabobank has launched a EUR5bn “ESG Leader” commercial paper and certificates of deposit programme that it can only issue off as long as it is ranked in the top 5% of companies by Sustainalytics, and an official at the Dutch issuer told Sustainabonds that the first sale already offered it a cost saving.


The ESG Pfandbrief

Münchener Hypothekenbank eG (MünchenerHyp) on 8 September unveiled plans for the first ESG covered bond. In this special sponsored feature, those involved in the project consider an ESG Pfandbrief against the backdrop of sustainable investment and explore how it might fit into wider SRI developments in the bond markets.